
The world of Death Stranding and my venture into it is influenced by an array of brilliant minds. From philosophers to contemporary scholars, they’ve shaped my understanding of the game’s digital universe. Explore the thinkers that resonate with my fragmented critiques and see where our thoughts converge.

distinguished minds

Here’s a snapshot of influential thinkers and their central contributions to my interdisciplinary analyses of Death Stranding.

  • Aarseth, Espen – cybertext
  • Adorno, Theodor – critical theory
  • Ahmed, Sara – gender studies
  • Ainsworth, Mary – developmental psychology
  • Alexander, Bruce – psychology
  • Anthropy, Anna – gender and game studies
  • Anzaldua, Gloria – feminist theory
  • Appadurai, Arjun – anthropology and globalization studies
  • Arendt, Hannah – political philosophy
  • Bachelard, Gaston – epistemology
  • Barad, Karen – agential realism
  • Barrett, Lisa – neuroscience and psychology
  • Barthes, Roland – semiotics
  • Bateson, Gregory – anthropology and communication
  • Baudrillard, Jean – postmodernism
  • Bauman, Zygmunt – sociology
  • Beck, Ulrich – sociology
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  • Bergson, Henri – philosophy of time
  • Bhabha, Homi – critical theory
  • Bogost, Ian – procedural rhetoric
  • Borges, Jorge Luis – literary fiction
  • Borgmann, Albert – philosophy of technology
  • Bostrom, Nick – philosophy
  • Bowlby, John – psychology
  • Braidotti, Rosi – posthumanism
  • Buell, Lawrence – environmental literary criticism
  • Burgess, Jean – digital media studies
  • Butler, Judith – gender studies
  • Cacioppo, John – social neuroscience
  • Campbell, Joseph – mythology
  • Casey, Edward – phenomenology
  • Certeau, Michel de – cultural theory
  • Christakis, Nicholas – sociology of medicine
  • Churchland, Patricia – neuroscience and philosophy
  • Clover, Carol J. – film studies
  • Connell, Raewyn – masculinity studies
  • Crenshaw, Kimberly – legal scholarship
  • Davis, Mike – environmental humanities
  • Dawkins, Richard – evolutionary biology
  • Deleuze, Gilles – post-structuralism
  • Derrida, Jacques – deconstruction
  • Dick, Philp K. – science fiction
  • Eco, Umberto – semiotics
  • Elson, Diane – economics and gender studies
  • Eskelinen, Markku – cybertext
  • Feynman, Richard – theoretical physics
  • Fitzpatrick, Kathleen – digital humanities
  • Flanagan, Mary – digital humanities
  • Foucault, Michel – critical theory
  • Fox Keller, Evelyn – feminist science studies
  • Frasca, Gonzalo – ludology
  • Fraser, Nancy – political philosophy
  • Freud, Sigmund – psychoanalysis
  • Gallese, Vittorio – neuroscience
  • Garrard, Greg – ecocriticism
  • Gauntlett, David – media studies
  • Gee, James Paul – literary studies and education
  • Geertz, Clifford – anthropology
  • Giddens, Anthony – sociology
  • Gilroy, Paul – cultural studies
  • Goffman, Erving – sociology and symbolic interactionism
  • Green, Joshua B. – digital media studies
  • Grosz, Elizabeth – feminist theory
  • Guattari, Félix – psychoanalysis
  • Halberstam, Jack – gender and queer studies
  • Hall, Stuart – cultural studies
  • Han, Byung-Chul – cultural theory
  • Haraway, Donna – science and technology studies
  • Harvey, David – Marxist geography
  • Hayles, N. Katherine – posthumanism
  • Heisenberg, Werner – quantum mechanics
  • Hemmings, Clare – feminist theory
  • Hill Collins, Patricia – feminist philosophy
  • hooks, bell – intersectionality
  • Huizinga, Johan – cultural history
  • Iacoboni, Marco – neuroscience
  • Illouz, Eva – sociology
  • Irigaray, Luce – feminist philosophy
  • Jenkins, Henry – convergence culture
  • Juul, Jesper – video game studies
  • Kinder, Marsha – visual culture studies
  • Kittler, Friedrich – media studies
  • Konijn, Elly – media studies
  • Krauss, Rosalind – art theory
  • Kristeva, Julia – feminist theory
  • Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth – psychiatry
  • Landsberg, Alison – media studies and memory research
  • Lanier, Jaron – virtual reality
  • Latour, Bruno – science and technology studies
  • Laurel, Brenda – computer science and theatre
  • Le Guin, Ursula K. – science fiction
  • Lefebvre, Henri – social theory
  • Lévy, Pierre – cyberculture studies
  • Livingstone, David N. – humanistic geography
  • Lucas, Caroline – environmental politics
  • Lugones, Maria – decolonial feminism
  • Lyotard, Jean-François – postmodernism
  • Manne, Anne – social theory
  • Manovich, Lev – media studies
  • Markham, Annette – digital media and communication
  • Marx, Karl – political philosophy
  • Massey, Doreen – humanistic geography
  • Massumi, Brian – political philosophy
  • McGonigal, Jane – game design
  • Merleau-Ponty, Maurice – phenomenology
  • Minsky, Marvin – cognitive science
  • Mohanty, Chandra Talpade – transnational feminist theory
  • Morton, Timothy – dark ecology
  • Murray, Janet – interactive narrative
  • Nakamura, Lisa – cyberculture studies
  • Nixon, Rob – literary environmentalism
  • Oppermann, Serpil – environmental humanities
  • Ortner, Sherry – anthropology and cultural studies
  • Paasonen, Susanna – media studies and emotion research
  • Pallasmaa, Juhani – phenomenology of architecture
  • Pearce, Celia – game design
  • Pfaller, Robert – cultural studies
  • Preciado, Paul B. – gender and queer studies
  • Propp, Vladimir – folkloristics
  • Rettberg, Jill Walker – digital culture
  • Rheingold, Howard – virtual communities
  • Rigby, Kate – environmental humanities
  • Rose, Gillian – feminist geography
  • Ryan, Marie-Laure – narratology
  • Salen, Katie – game design
  • Savulescu, Julian – bioethics
  • Schrödinger, Erwin – quantum mechanics
  • Sedgwick, Eve – gender and queer studies
  • Seger, Linda – screenwriting
  • Shahane, Anoushka – affective neuroscience
  • Shiva, Vandana – environmentalism and activism
  • Singer, Tania – neuroscience
  • Stanford Friedman, Susan – feminist theory
  • Stengers, Isabelle – cosmopolitics
  • Stiegler, Bernard – science and technology studies
  • Suchman, Luca – anthropology of science and technology
  • Taylor, T.L. – media studies
  • Ting-Toomey, Stella – communication and identity studies
  • Todorov, Tzvetan – literary theory
  • Tsing, Anna – environmental anthropology
  • Tuan, Yi-Fu – humanistic geography
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  • Virilio, Paul – cultural theory
  • Wark, McKenzie – cultural studies
  • Warwick, Kevin – cybernetics and robotics
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  • Woolf, Virginia – modernist fiction
  • Young, Iris Marion – feminist political theory
  • Žižek, Slavoj – critical theory
  • Zuboff, Shoshana – surveillance capitalism
  • Zunshine, Lisa – cognitive literary studies

fields of expertise

The word cloud visualizes key areas of expertise linked to the featured thinkers. Click on a term to explore related fragments.

cybertextcritical theorygender studiesdevelopmental psychologypsychologygender and game studiesfeminist theoryanthropology and globalization studiespolitical philosophyepistemologyagential realismneuroscience and psychologysemioticsanthropology and communicationpostmodernismsociologyphilosophy of timeprocedural rhetoricliterary fictionphilosophy of technologyphilosophyposthumanismenvironmental literary criticismdigital media studiessocial neurosciencemythologyphenomenologycultural theorysociology of medicineneuroscience and philosophyfilm studiesmasculinity studieslegal scholarshipenvironmental humanitiesevolutionary biologypost-structuralismdeconstructionscience fictioneconomics and gender studiestheoretical physicsdigital humanitiesfeminist science studiesludologypsychoanalysisneuroscienceecocriticismmedia studiesliterary studies and educationanthropologycultural studiessociology and symbolic interactionismgender and queer studiesscience and technology studiesMarxist geographyquantum mechanicsfeminist philosophyintersectionalitycultural historyconvergence culturevideo game studiesvisual culture studiesart theorypsychiatrymedia studies and memory researchvirtual realitycomputer science and theatresocial theorycyberculture studieshumanistic geographyenvironmental politicsdecolonial feminismdigital media and communicationgame designcognitive sciencetransnational feminist theorydark ecologyinteractive narrativeliterary environmentalismanthropology and cultural studiesmedia studies and emotion researchphenomenology of architecturefolkloristicsdigital culturevirtual communitiesfeminist geographynarratologybioethicsscreenwritingaffective neuroscienceenvironmentalism and activismcosmopoliticsanthropology of science and technologycommunication and identity studiesliterary theoryenvironmental anthropologycybernetics and roboticsmodernist fictionfeminist political theorysurveillance capitalismcognitive literary studies
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